How to create financial wellness

Financial wellness is an essential aspect of a happy and stress-free life. It’s not just about earning money; it’s about how to create financial wellness, managing it and investing it wisely. Many people work hard, earn good money, and still struggle financially because they fail to prioritize financial wellness.

Setting oneself up financially requires a combination of knowledge, discipline, and a long-term vision. One must be aware of their spending habits and have a clear understanding of their income and expenses. It’s also essential to set financial goals, such as saving for emergencies, retirement, or a down payment on a home. These goals provide a sense of direction and motivation, making it easier to stay on track and avoid unnecessary spending.

Develop good habits

Another critical aspect of financial wellness is developing good financial habits, such as creating a budget and sticking to it, avoiding debt, and investing in assets that provide long-term growth. These habits help build a strong financial foundation, which is essential for achieving financial stability and security.

Furthermore, financial wellness is not just about the present; it’s about planning for the future. Investing in oneself, such as taking courses or developing skills that enhance earning potential, can pay off in the long run. It’s also crucial to have a plan for retirement, which requires early planning and consistent contributions.

Financial wellness is a vital aspect of setting oneself up for success. It requires knowledge, discipline, and a long-term vision. By prioritizing financial wellness, one can achieve financial stability, security, and ultimately, the ability to live a happy and stress-free life.

When we talk about financial wellness, we’re really talking about having a healthy and stable relationship with money. This includes having a solid understanding of your financial situation, setting and achieving financial goals, and having the resources to handle unexpected expenses or emergencies.

Learn to prioritise your financial wellness

There are many reasons why it’s important to prioritize your financial wellness. For one, financial stress can have a serious impact on your mental and physical health. Studies have shown that financial stress can lead to increased anxiety, depression, and even physical health problems like high blood pressure and heart disease.

On the other hand, having a strong foundation of financial wellness can give you a greater sense of security and peace of mind. It can also help you achieve your long-term goals, like buying a home or saving for retirement.

So how can you set yourself up for financial wellness? It starts with taking a close look at your financial situation and understanding where you stand. This means tracking your income and expenses, creating a budget, and identifying areas where you can cut back on spending.

From there, you can start setting financial goals for yourself. This might include things like paying off debt, saving for a down payment on a house, or building up an emergency fund. Having specific, measurable goals can help keep you motivated and on track.

It’s also important to make sure you have the right tools and resources to help you achieve your financial goals. This might include working with a financial advisor or using apps and tools that can help you track your spending and stay on top of your finances.

Creating the financial wellness plan

Creating a financial plan can be compared to developing a fitness program. Without clear and concise steps, it is possible to get sidetracked and not achieve any progress. Thus, before you can start working towards your financial goals, it is important to evaluate where you currently stand financially. This way, you can identify your weak points and create a plan that specifically targets your needs.

One effective way to assess your financial status is by determining your net worth. This involves calculating the difference between your assets and liabilities. Assets refer to items that you own, such as the money in your bank accounts, home, car, and other investments. On the other hand, liabilities refer to any money you owe, such as loans, credit card debts, and mortgages.

To calculate your net worth, you need to first add up the value of all your assets. This includes the balance in your savings and checking accounts, any investments you have made, your home’s estimated value, and the value of your car, among other things. Once you have summed up your assets, you need to subtract your liabilities from the total. This includes any outstanding loans, credit card balances, or mortgages that you are yet to pay off.

How do I calculate my net worth?

By calculating your net worth, you can get a clear picture of your current financial situation. A positive net worth means that your assets exceed your liabilities, indicating a good financial standing. However, if your liabilities are greater than your assets, it suggests that you may have some work to do in terms of improving your financial wellness. With this knowledge, you can create a financial plan that is tailored to your specific needs and helps you achieve your goals.

AssetsAmount ($)
Cash and cash equivalents
Checking accounts
Savings accounts
Money market accounts
Retirement accounts (e.g. 401k, IRA)
Home equity
Other assets
Total Assets
List all your assets to discover your financial position
LiabilitiesAmount ($)
Credit card debt
Student loans
Personal loans
Car loans
Other debts
Total Liabilities
create your financial plan to learn to budget

To calculate your net worth, simply subtract your total liabilities from your total assets. The resulting amount is your net worth.

Achieving Financial Wellness: Evaluating Your Net Worth

Building a successful financial plan is essential to achieving financial wellness. It’s similar to creating a fitness program where having exact steps to reach your goals is crucial to making progress. To create a successful financial plan, you first need to understand where you’re starting, so you can candidly address any weak points and create specific goals.

One way to figure out your financial status is to determine your net worth. Net worth is the difference between your assets and liabilities. Assets include things like the money in your accounts, your home, car equity, investments, and any other valuable possessions you may own. Liabilities can include any debt, loans, or mortgages.

Determining your net worth is an essential step towards financial wellness. By calculating your net worth, you get a clear picture of your financial standing. It’s like a financial report card that shows how well you’re doing financially. The good news is that anyone can do it, and it’s easy to get started.

Tips to Calculating Your Net Worth

To calculate your net worth, you need to add up all your assets and liabilities. You can use a spreadsheet, paper and pen, or any online tools available to help you.


List all your assets, including your bank accounts, retirement accounts, investment accounts, real estate, and any valuable possessions you own, such as jewelry or art. For accounts that fluctuate, such as investment accounts, use an average of the last three months.


List all your liabilities, including any outstanding balances on credit cards, loans, mortgages, or any other debts you may have. Make sure to include the total outstanding balance, including interest.

Calculating Your Net Worth

To calculate your net worth, subtract your total liabilities from your total assets. The resulting number is your net worth.

Net Worth = Assets – Liabilities

Interpreting Your Net Worth

Once you’ve calculated your net worth, it’s time to interpret what it means. Here are some guidelines to help you evaluate where you stand financially:

Positive Net Worth

A positive net worth means that your assets exceed your liabilities. It’s a good indication that you’re financially stable and have a good handle on your finances. The higher your net worth, the more financially secure you are.

Negative Net Worth

A negative net worth means that your liabilities exceed your assets. It’s an indication that you may be overextended financially, and you need to make some changes. A negative net worth can be a wake-up call to help you reassess your finances and start making changes to improve your financial standing.

Zero Net Worth

A zero net worth means that your assets and liabilities are equal. It’s neither good nor bad, but it’s an indication that you need to make some changes to improve your financial standing.

Why Evaluating Your Net Worth is Important

Evaluating your net worth is an essential step towards achieving financial wellness. Here are some reasons why:

  1. It gives you a clear picture of your financial standing.
  2. It helps you set realistic financial goals.
  3. It helps you track your progress towards achieving those goals.
  4. It helps you identify areas where you can improve your financial standing.
  5. It helps you make informed financial decisions.

Ultimately, the key to achieving financial wellness is to make it a priority in your life. By taking the time to understand your financial situation, set goals, (see the SMART Goals template below) and put a plan in place to achieve those goals, you can create a solid foundation for a healthy and stable relationship with money.

Setting your SMART Goals

A SMART goals chart is a tool used to plan and track progress towards achieving specific goals. SMART is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. By using this framework, you can set goals that are more effective, attainable, and ultimately lead to success.

There are many benefits to using a SMART goals chart. First, it helps you clarify your objectives and ensure you are on the maintaining the goals you set. A specific goal helps to define what needs to be achieved, while a measurable goal sets clear parameters for success. An achievable goal makes it realistic to achieve the desired outcome, and a relevant goal ensures that it aligns with broader objectives. Finally, setting a time-bound goal creates a sense of urgency and ensures that progress is being made towards the objective.

Another benefit of using a SMART goals chart is that it provides a way to track progress and adjust plans accordingly. By breaking down a goal into smaller, measurable steps, individuals can monitor their progress and identify areas where they need to improve or adjust their strategy. Additionally, a SMART goals chart can help to keep individuals motivated and accountable, as they can see their progress towards their objectives in real-time.

In summary, a SMART goals chart is a useful tool for you to be looking to achieve specific objectives. By using the SMART framework, you can create goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. This approach helps to clarify objectives, track progress, and stay motivated towards achieving success.

Use this template to create a SMART goals chart:

Example: Save for a Down Payment on a HouseSave $20,000Track progress with monthly budgetYes, by cutting back on unnecessary expensesYes, owning a home is a long-term financial goalAchieve goal within 2 years

In this chart, the acronym SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. These are the criteria you should consider when setting a goal to make sure it’s well-defined and has a clear path to achievement.

The first column, “Goal,” should state the objective you want to achieve. In the example above, it’s “Save for a Down Payment on a House.”

The second column, “Specific,” should outline the exact steps you’ll take to achieve your goal. For instance, in the example above, the specific step is “Save $20,000.”

The third column, “Measurable,” should indicate how you’ll track your progress toward your goal. For instance, in the example above, you’ll track progress by using a monthly budget.

The fourth column, “Achievable,” should indicate whether or not the goal is realistically attainable based on your current circumstances. In the example above, it’s achievable by cutting back on unnecessary expenses.

The fifth column, “Relevant,” should indicate how the goal relates to your overall financial plan. In the example above, owning a home is a long-term financial goal that’s relevant to the individual’s financial plan.

The sixth and final column, “Time-bound,” should indicate a specific deadline by which the goal should be achieved. In the example above, the goal should be achieved within 2 years.

By using a SMART goals chart like this, you’ll be able to set realistic financial goals and track your progress in a measurable and achievable way. Take a look at our FREE course on setting your self up for financial wellness here.

Further reading……..

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