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Rich Dad, Poor Dad Review

I want to share an insight into the book Rich Dad Poor Dad.

I feel it warrants a thorough read from cover to cover.

This book will be the first of many I will recommend to assist with:

  • When you are discovering your financial interest
  • Working on which channels you should concentrate your energies on
  • Develop your personal financial strategy but really have no idea where to start.
Reviewing the Rich Dad Poor Dad review!
Reviewing the Rich Dad Poor Dad review!

Why was Rich Dad Poor Dad written?

“Rich Dad Poor Dad” is a book written by Robert Kiyosaki that explores the differences in perspective and habits between his two fathers:

his biological father, who was highly educated but financially struggling, and

his best friend’s father, who was less formally educated but financially successful.

The book aims to challenge traditional ideas about money and work and to encourage readers to think differently about wealth creation.

I feel the central message of the book is that of financial literacy. In which, I believe, is more important than a formal education in achieving financial success. Kiyosaki argues that the traditional model of going to school, getting a good job, and saving money is flawed, and that it is necessary to understand the principles of investing and money management in order to achieve financial independence.

All about the authors point of view

The author uses real-life examples and personal anecdotes to illustrate his points, and provides practical advice for building wealth through real estate investing, starting a business, and creating passive income streams. He also emphasizes the importance of financial education, taking calculated risks, and being willing to fail in order to learn and grow.

“Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki is a book that offers valuable insights into the world of finance and wealth creation. By sharing his own experiences and those of his two fathers, Kiyosaki provides a fresh perspective on money, work, and the importance of financial literacy.

Ideas we can use to create a business brain.

In this blog, we will explore how the ideas in the book can help you to create a successful business brain.

  1. The importance of financial literacy
  2. The difference between assets and liabilities
  3. The importance of taking calculated risks
  4. The power of passive income streams
  5. The value of starting a business
  6. The advantages of real estate investing
  7. The importance of having multiple streams of income
  8. The need to embrace failure as a learning opportunity
  9. The power of thinking outside the box
  10. The importance of financial education
  11. The need to challenge traditional ideas about money and work
  12. The importance of having a long-term financial plan
  13. The benefits of being your own boss
  14. The importance of having a strong support system
  15. The power of a growth mindset
  16. The Importance of Financial Literacy

Let’s analyse Rich Dad Poor Dad

Financial literacy

  1. Financial literacy is a crucial aspect of creating a successful business brain.
    • This is where I feel strongly about the understanding of the principles of money management, investing, and wealth creation. Kiyosaki emphasizes in his book the importance of financial literacy, pointing out that formal education may not provide the necessary knowledge to achieve financial success. He argues that having a good job, saving money, and relying on a pension plan is not enough to achieve financial independence and that it is necessary to understand the principles of investing and creating passive income streams.

Assets & Liabilities

    1. The Difference between Assets and Liabilities

    A strong need to understand, whether you have a maths brain or not is highlighted in one of the key ideas in “Rich Dad Poor Dad”. And it is the significant difference between assets and liabilities. An asset is something that generates income, while a liability is something that costs you money. According to Kiyosaki, the key to building wealth is to focus on acquiring assets rather than liabilities. This means investing in real estate, starting a business, or creating passive income streams that generate income without requiring your time and effort.

    1. The Importance of Taking Calculated Risks

      When you start to understand what you want from your financial learnings, you will discover if you are a risk taker or you prefer to play safe. I being a Sagittarian feel that the taking calculated risks side of finance is an important aspect when developing a successful business brain. Kiyosaki emphasizes that taking risks is a necessary part of the wealth-creation process and that you should be willing to fail in order to learn and grow. I feel exactly the same, but also understand those that are more cautious. He encourages readers to think outside the box, challenge traditional ideas about money and work, and embrace failure as a learning opportunity.

      Passive Income

      1. The Power of Passive Income Streams

      Understanding what a passive income is and how you go about achieving one is very important in this new road you are looking at travelling. Passive income streams are a key aspect of building wealth and achieving financial independence. These are sources of income that generate money without requiring your time and effort. Examples include real estate investments, dividend-paying stocks, and rental properties. Kiyosaki argues that having multiple streams of passive income is crucial for achieving financial security and that it is important to focus on creating passive income streams in addition to your primary source of income.

      Creating the business

      1. The Value of Starting a Business

      When you discover your zodiac traits you will see many opportunities arise that you perhaps had never contemplated! Starting a business is another important aspect of creating a successful business brain. Kiyosaki encourages readers to consider entrepreneurship as a way of achieving financial freedom and independence. He argues that being your own boss and having control over your own financial future is a powerful motivator and that starting a business can provide a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.

      Investing in Real Estate

      1. The Advantages of Real Estate Investing

      Many may argue but I am in total agreeance with real estate investing being an important key aspect of wealth creation, and according to Kiyosaki he thinks exactly that. He argues that investing in real estate can provide a reliable source of passive income and can help you to build wealth over time. He also emphasizes the importance of understanding the principles of real estate investing, such as finding good deals, using leverage, and managing risk. By investing in real estate, you can create a source of income that generates money without requiring your time and effort.

      Multiple income streams

      1. The Importance of Having Multiple Streams of Income

      When you first start out on this road to achieving wealth, you look at the holistic view and what you need to acheive to have w.e.a.l.t.h. in your life. Much thought goes into how hard this will be and what I really have to do to get to the end goal! So what I have to suggest here may come with an overwhelming thought process and you feel that the “too hard” basket will be your scapegoat. But listen carefully, as having multiple streams of income is crucial for achieving larger than ordinary financial independence and security. Kiyosaki also argues that relying on a single source of income is risky, as it makes you vulnerable to market fluctuations or job loss. By having multiple streams of income, you can diversify your sources of income, reducing the risk of financial hardship.

      Embrace Learning

      1. The Need to Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity

      From my own experience what Kiyosaki emphasizes here is crucially important to take on as part of this road you will travel to become a successful person and that is that failure is an important part of the learning and growth process. He argues in “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” that failure should be embraced as a learning opportunity, rather than being seen as a setback. By taking calculated risks, embracing failure, and learning from your mistakes, you can develop the skills and knowledge necessary to create a successful business brain.

      Thinking beyond the square

      1. The Power of Thinking Outside the Box

      Learning to think outside the box is why you are here and of course a crucial aspect of creating a successful business brain. Kiyosaki argues that it is necessary to challenge traditional ideas about money and work and to consider alternative ways of building wealth. By being creative and thinking outside the box, you can develop innovative solutions to financial challenges and create new opportunities for growth and success. When you read and research the avenues you are interested in you will find that this aspect becomes a natural part of your day and you will discover many opportunities.

      Financial understanding

      1. The Importance of Financial Education

      When I talk here I don’t specifically mean going back to school, however financial education is a crucial aspect of creating a successful business brain. Just the pure learning of how to read and write a basic budget will get you into the starting box. Kiyosaki emphasizes the importance of understanding the principles of money management, investing, and wealth creation. This can be done by professionals of course, however understanding what you wish to achieve will assist you to develop a more efficient outcome. He encourages his readers to seek out financial education and to continuously learn about finance and wealth creation. I see this as a great advantage, but bearing in mind that it can be done on levels you are comfortable with. By being financially literate, you can make informed decisions about your finances and create a path to financial independence.

      Traditional or creative?

      1. The Need to Challenge Traditional Ideas about Money and Work

      Challenging traditional ideas about money and work is a crucial aspect of creating a successful business brain. Kiyosaki argues that traditional financial models, such as getting a good job, saving money, and relying on a pension plan, are flawed and that it is necessary to think differently about wealth creation. You will need to really knuckle down on where you sit with this and how you will manage what will be asked of you if you choose to travel the road of bucking the system or just finding your comfort zones. It is my opinion that by challenging traditional ideas and seeking out alternative solutions, you can create new opportunities for financial success, but that is yours to make. No-one can lead you into this road of you are not ready to travel there!

      Planning for the future

      1. The Importance of Having a Long-Term Financial Plan

      We are often taught way to late in life that having a long-term financial plan is crucial for achieving financial independence and security. It is something that I wish to yell from the rooftops to show all Gen Z and Millenium’s and Kiyosaki also argues the same. And that is, that it is necessary to have a clear understanding of your financial goals and to develop a plan to achieve them as the sooner you start the quicker your future financial success is created. By having a long-term financial plan, you can make informed decisions about your finances, reduce the risk of financial hardship, and build greater wealth over time.

      Creating a future not a job

      1. The Benefits of Being Your Own Boss

      Many have been happy for years working for a wage and taking the “4 week holiday” as the norm, but now we have so many opportunities at our finger tips why would you?? Being your own boss is a powerful motivator and a key aspect of creating a successful business brain. Kiyosaki argues , and I truly agree that being in control of your own financial future is a powerful motivator and that starting a business can provide a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. By being your own boss, you can have control over your financial future and create opportunities for financial success. Big warning here though!! It does not come with ease! You need to be mentally ready.

      Learning to grow your support

      1. The Importance of Having a Strong Support System

      Having a strong support system is crucial for creating a successful business brain. Choosing at least 5 suitable mentors to follow and soak up their ways and directions will assist you. Kiyosaki strongly argues that having supportive friends, family, and business partners can provide encouragement and motivation, helping you to achieve your financial goals. By having a strong support system, you can reduce the risk of financial hardship, mental anguish and create a path to true independence and happiness.

      Where to next?

      1. The Power of a Growth Mindset

      Discussions throughout everything I talk about will show you how strong I feel about having a growth mindset is a crucial aspect of creating a successful business brain. Kiyosaki discusses in great detail that it is essential to have a positive and growth-oriented attitude towards life and business. He emphasizes that success is not about having a fixed set of abilities but rather about constantly learning, growing, and adapting to new challenges. By having a growth mindset, you can overcome obstacles, embrace change, and continuously improve, leading to greater success in both personal and professional life.

      Why I like Rich Dad Poor Dad

      What are the book and ideas presented in “Rich Dad Poor Dad”?

      I feel that it offers valuable insights for anyone looking to create a successful business brain.

      From the importance of financial education to the power of thinking outside the box, Kiyosaki’s lessons are relevant and I find very actionable. Anyone looking to achieve financial independence and security will see value.

      How? By embracing the principles outlined in the book and finding the path you are comfortable with. Along with continuously learning, growing, and adapting, you can create a business brain that will help you achieve financial success.

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